
  • Pyscript can be configured using the UI, or via yaml. To use the UI, go to the Configuration -> Integrations page and selection “+” to add Pyscript Python scripting. After that, you can change the settings anytime by selecting Options under Pyscript in the Configuration page.

    Alternatively, for yaml configuration, add pyscript: to <config>/configuration.yaml. Pyscript has two optional configuration parameters that allow any python package to be imported and exposes the hass variable as a global (both options default to false):

      allow_all_imports: true
      hass_is_global: true
  • Add files with a suffix of .py in the folder <config>/pyscript.

  • Restart HASS after installing pyscript.

  • Whenever you change a script file or app, pyscript will automatically reload the changed files. To reload all files and apps, call the pyscript.reload service with the optional global_ctx parameter to *.

  • Watch the HASS log for pyscript errors and logger output from your scripts.